project LIST
as of MAY 28, 2022

We are so excited to have the Canton Historical Society Museum and Country Store open for the community to come and enjoy our collection and perhaps purchase a memento.

So much has been accomplished.

One might wonder while we are still fundraising.  Why keep writing grants?  Why do mailing campaigns asking businesses for support?  Why set up a Go Fund Me?  Well, there is still much to be done.  There are still some major building updates to complete.  A garden area to create which will feature the Universalist Church bell.  A few tweaks, some small ~ some large, here and there to finish up and of course maintenance is an ongoing project.

Here is our most current list of projects to do.


As you can see, there are still tasks to accomplish.  With your help (time or treasure) we will get it done.

To donate:  Mail a check to Canton Historical Society, PO Box 605, Canton, ME 04221
Or click on the donate button on the Facebook page or the Home pages of this website.